Friday, February 9, 2007

What Happened To Ls Island

work there, lack the will!

Today I read an article titled Computer Place: IT? The work is definitely there. lack the will. The subject deserves a post. PI's article is actually a signed letter, sent by an entrepreneur who laments the difficulty in finding people 'willing' to work in the IT world. The entrepreneur says that young people not willing to take responsibility, who have ambitions that are not willing to move to that claim too. In addition considered obsolete teaching courses in Italian universities. Well, I'm furious! I can only append to the vast majority of comments from readers of PI and I believe I can make an informed decision, because I work in IT for almost 20 years.

But we begin by analyzing the Italian business world. Entrepreneurs complain of labor costs too high, preventing a balanced competition with emerging countries (eg China). The government, to solve these problems, conceived to reduce the tax wedge. Now, in this respect, a different view. This is certainly not the main cause of Italian economic crisis, but here's what I think. I believe that in Italy the the entrepreneur has disappeared and that for some time, a new category appeared on the horizon: the recruiter. Now the so-called entrepreneurs dealing with finance. The 'entrepreneurs' Italians are committed to creating new boxes and close the old boxes, buying companies at a stop. What has to do with Mr. Benetton highways? The streets are made of asphalt, not wool. What has to do with the Pirelli Telecom? Nothing builds a tire and the other deals with telephony. These are not true entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are real people who create the work. The real entrepreneurs are working hard to develop an idea they consider innovative and ultimately - if it's worth - it becomes profitable. Entrepreneurs Handyman are real people, people who have brilliant insight. People who invest and who are at risk because they see farther than others.

Pirelli? It was founded by Giovanni Battista Pirelli, not Tronchetti Provera. Giovanni Battista Pirelli was a true entrepreneur. Now the Pirelli owns Olimpia SpA, a holding company in Milan with no employees. Olimpia SpA produces what? None. By Olimpia SpA, Marco Tronchetti Provera, holds the majority stake of Telecom Italy. What advantage you get from these mergers? You create growth? You create jobs? It stimulates the economy? The Benetton family has created a famous brand in the world, Edizione Holding now controls the company Autostrade SpA I will not go on the development given by Benetton in the Italian motorways, tolls do not want to talk about, I just mention a name infamous: Salerno-Reggio Calabria. And who wants to understand ... So you do not create anything, you do not create new jobs, not create new products. It is not enough. The state subsidizes the crisis of these companies that do not produce. There are people who ditched the companies with the sole purpose of personal gain. Result: redundancy, mobility, reductions, cuts. Yeah, there's so much social status. They are called social safety nets. They are called incentives. They are called tax relief. I've always wondered: what makes us Telecom Italy with the fee of millions of subscribers? Everyone has a phone in Italy, try to multiply 25 € for the number of subscribers Italians. It turns out a lot of money. Collected from Telecom Italy a month and a month off. Yeah, but there are investment and maintenance! Maintenance? We want to talk about the state of the lockers Telecom ? Ferrovie dello Stato. Debt layer. The CEO walks away and his 'work' was awarded in 2004 with a buyout € 6.7 million. Since it is 'good', is sent to Alitalia. Now, the State Railways have a deficit of 2 billion € . Nearly 4,000 billion old lire. The deficit Alitalia however, is much more modest, appena 380 milioni di euro . Visto che ci sono ricordiamo lo stipendio di Cimoli va'. Circa 2 milioni e 700 mila euro l'anno ! Scusate ma non ce l'ho fatta: il nome di questo AD dovevo farlo. Quindi...dicevamo? Ah, si! La colpa della crisi dell'economia italiana è il costo del lavoro! Certo, certo.

Ma ora che mi sono sfogato un po' (non troppo a dire il vero) e ho detto come la penso degli imprenditori italiani e della crisi delle aziende italiane (ma potrei scrivere un libro sull'argomento), andiamo sul quotidiano. Cosa chiedono le aziende quando presentano le offerte di lavoro? Richiedono persone giovani (per usufruire delle agevolazioni fiscali), da assumere a progetto (perché when one does not charge you certainly can not pay his salary) he has experience working for an elderly person (because the required technical knowledge is acquired through years of work) who are willing to move and finally, not having too many claims with the salaries. I might add a little joke that is spontaneous, but I limit myself to one: 'do not want anything else?'.

Care companies and dear 'entrepreneurs', professionals of this type can be found perhaps in China, not Italy! It 's a bit like expecting your cake and eat it too. Or not? How do you say that the work exists, but that lack the will? It is to be furious. I am furious that I have 20 years working in the field IT, I imagine what they might have young people trying to enter the world of work. Here is what a guy writes PI: "Generally, the offer of temporary employment agencies classical corresponds to a multi-platform systems engineer, programmer (with no less than 5 languages \u200b\u200bknown by heart), db enginer (here also list kilometers), maximum twenty-four, with 5 years (minimum) of accounting experience preferably with large corporation and all contracts "junior" (to the face, who knows the senior then) 2 weeks (quiet, renewable ...) to the minimum wage ...". That 's right, it's all true. As they say, 'quote in full'. Such knowledge is difficult to find even in people with long working experience behind us, let alone young people just out of school. Indeed, a person with considerable technical knowledge so acquired in such a short time, does not really have specific experience at all. Not just a unique experience but proven? These requests will say a lot: squeeze up to capacity. In 4-5 years you can not become systems analysts, DBAs and programmers experienced in the same time. Unless you have the antennas and be green of course ... ;-) Dear entrepreneurs, invested . Invest in people. Given the opportunity for young people to gain experience. Otherwise, what happens to the popular wisdom has always known: those who want anything too tight. And the Italian economy is falling apart.


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