Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Presidian Turntable Where Is Model Number

In 2002 an international summit was held in Johannesburg. The main purpose of the summit was the strengthening of political commitment to sustainable development. The Johannesburg Declaration is the document that was produced on that occasion. 24/25 September 2003 was held the international conference "Water for Life and Peace" organized by Green Cross International. been almost 5 years and nothing has changed . Here are some data supplied by Green Cross Italy :

of about 6.6 billion inhabitants of the earth ...

2.5 billion people do not receive adequate health services.

2 billion people lack access to electricity.

1.5 billion humans lack access to safe water to drink.

1.2 billion people live on less than a dollar a day.

800 million people suffer from hunger.

In 2004, the EU issued the following statement: "The European Commission today decided to proceed against Italy and other EU countries for offenses relating to the Water Framework Directive and the Urban Waste Water Treatment." I'd be happy if you talk more water and less of NATO bases. I ask too much?


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