Monday, March 14, 2011

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Saturday, March 5, 2011

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DICEOPOLI: "tra qualche mese avranno luogo le elezioni dei rappresentanti degli studenti dell'Università di Arcavacata. Inizierà il solito casino, migliaia e migliaia di volantini, santini, bigliettini, manifesti e manifestoni, distribuiti, lanciati, abbandonati ed attaccati ovunque."

SOFIA: "ma, sai Diceopoli, credo che questo sia ormai come un riflesso incondizionato, volto al condizionamento delle degli studenti che sono chiamati a dover fare una choice. Wanting to forget the economic aspect (there are thousands of money will be spent in election campaigns by various groups / associations, but also to seven and balconies) that is often sad and worrying and just culturally a "saint" to get a 10x8 cm election student to cross a name rather than another. "

Dikaiopolis:" Sofia, I think you're exaggerating. What would you suggest: that the student is unable to choose between more than one name? which chooses at random? and you do get a simple piece of paper on which is written a "Cettolaqualunque?

SOFIA: "Well! I think the TV and Berlusconi were destroying le tua capacità intellegibili. Non fare di tutta l'erba un fascio . Esistono persone differenti (per fortuna) e quindi anche studenti diversi all'interno dell' Università; studenti che vogliono delle risposte e studenti che non ne vogliono; studenti che vogliono essere attivi ed altri che vogliono essere passivi; alcuni che hanno troppo senso critico e altri che non ne hanno (come un giorno disse il Magnifico) e che devono svilupparlo proprio grazie a questa istituzione. Questo porta inevitabilmente a generare tipologie diverse di elettorato e tipologie diverse di rappresentanze: quelle di stampo clientelare, quelle che realmente vivono l'università e coinvolgono il popolo universitario e quelle di bella facciata che stanno in the middle. "

Dikaiopolis: Sofia, then you're saying that there are as many types of voters between the university student population?

SOFIA:" Yes! but this does not mean that the situation can not improve, as could also worsen. Credibility is based on what is being said and what actually gets done. Equally important is how we move to achieve certain goals (in respect of rights and legality ), which could have even more value to the achievement of the objective. They are not the faces, good or bad they are, to be important, actions are made, individually and in groups to make credible people and therefore the future representatives. Involve students in university life and the campus is important both for the individual student and the university itself, as well as listen to the student population and help. To do this well, dear Dikaiopolis, it is important to be part of that people and never be deployed without distinction on the side of reigns and manages the university town of Arcavcata. Participate is the first step to be active and aware of what is happening and what you decide.

Dikaiopolis: "Sofia, I have always participated in elections of representatives and continue to do so. But I do not see in others and do not read the same will, it seems that many on this slide. Some tell me that he does not care, others that it is useless, and others who have no time, others are disappointed in this election and see a small projection, but not that much of the local and national elections. I often contradict each other but I lack the means and perhaps the correct belief on my part about what I should say. I often feel unheard, I raise these questions that remain.

SOFIA: "Dikaiopolis, I think if you have participated in the elections for representatives until now did it with conviction and a critical sense, in the hope that certain things could change and be improved and that the voice of the student population that lives the university, heard. Many give up the execution of this democratic act because now disaffected, annoyed and disgusted. Others do not vote because they are convinced that everything is futile and what is hide behind economic interests. Others do so out of ignorance.

E 'is essential for the democracy of the University of Arcavacata, that all students understand the importance of representation and to have it. But this is not enough! because it can not be chosen at random from the crowd. A consequence of the low turnout is that it creates a group elected on the basis of these models and patronage, dear Dikaiopolis, we have too many in the world. "

Dikaiopolis:" For the university town of Arcavacata, I think it's time to react. Respond democratically to pushing a merit basis. At the next election of representatives is necessary to ostracize the current one for a politically and culturally different. Sofia, I want the students' demands, their problems as well as their merits are brought out of this long steel bridge. But this is also important that the university people wake up, take action "

SOFIA:" Dikaiopolis is not only the student who does not vote to fall in error, as we have analyzed that could be given by different motivations, but we must also consider what he has voted so far, he has voted and the methods used by some in the campaign to bring it into the cabin.

elections earlier in the student population of the University campus has been the mistress of Arcavacata corruption and cronyism by some. So you see, my dear friend, that the problem is inherent in certain men and women, devoted to the law, devoid of political content, followers of shares , won by injury and especially in the grip of ignorance. So that we can have democratic representation at the university of Arcavacata, già governato a dittatura, è necessario che la partecipazione sia sempre più alta e che tutto il popolo dell' Unical si senta coinvolto in ogni sorta di dibattito che interessi l'università e chi la vive davvero.

DICEOPOLI: "A questo punto, Sofia, è importante che tu sia parte di tutte le menti degli studenti di questa università; La sapienza e la conoscenza sviluppano senso critico nelle persone, ed è anche attraverso questo che possiamo iniziare ad ostracizzare tutte le figure corrotte che gravitano all'interno del Campus di Arcavacata e ben inteso che non mi riferisco solo alle rappresentanze degli studenti, che hanno trovato terreno fertile to sink their roots. The university will die all alone when it will stop those who live and fight and do not ask for anything, accepting anything that breaks down on campus.

SOAFIA "never put an end to an analysis of this kind, because there can be no end to such talk. I, Dikaiopolis dear, I'll be in the minds of all those who have the courage to let me in their doors and will not be afraid to get me. And you, my dear friend you'll understand that I will be there when your speakers start to talk, discuss and many things will change.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Remove A Radio From A Hyundai Coupe

test old photos